I am spotlighting a few phenomenal websites and weblogs I have discovered in the past few days. Hopefully you will find them as valuable and interesting as I have.
- I'm Lovin' Lit Weblog: My teammate Stacey actually found her resources on Teachers Pay Teachers. I decided to see if the creator of the resources had a weblog today, and I was immensely impressed with what she had to offer! I love when teachers reflect on literature-- and it impressed me even more she uploaded a variety of resources for multiple grades.
- Mrs. White's Fifth Grade Class Weblog: I always get excited about teachers who post photographs of their students in action-- and implement creative ideas. I am very impressed with this teacher's weblog! Plus-- she has a QR code on her weblog for her classroom website-- how could I deny that?
- Mr. Smith's Fifth Grade Gifted Website: Finding gifted websites, let alone fifth grade gifted websites, is definitely HIGH on my list right now! I like that he includes some wonderful gifted resources in his description of gifted on his website-- and will have students upload the class weblog next year as well.
- Mrs. Hughes' Gifted Website: This teacher includes a plethora of neat ideas and elements as well-- a Wallwisher (which I had only seen a few times before), a Portaportal site, and a showcase of her students' Glogster projects.
- Mrs. Renner's Fifth Grade Website: Last, I discovered this teacher links to my website... after searching for fifth grade teachers. I was captivated by the graphic at the top of her page with photographs of her students doing all kinds of neat things!
Hopefully, I exposed you to some new and fantastic websites today! I will try to do this resource spotlight as often as I have the chance. Also, if YOU want to be a part of the spotlight, please comment below! I will share sites I have loved dearly for quite some time as well as new excitement! Thank you!